The hardest thing to do in finance

proving causation

Have you ever been asked 'how much of the increase in [sales] can we attribute to [our marketing efforts]?' Or some other variation of that same question...

You aren't alone.

Why is this question so hard to answer for finance professionals?

Because it requires us to determine causation of results rather than simply reading and interpreting overall trends.

Enter the Difference-In-Differences (DID) analysis, my favorite statistical method to help determine causation within results. In this guide I'll show you how to leverage DID in your everyday routine.


But First, What is Causation?

Sometimes, it's not enough to identify a correlation in results; causation provides the 'why' behind the results. And it gives a definitive explanation for why results may have increased.

In business, proving causation can feel like an impossible task. You have to control for all other potential causes and ensure that the identified cause precedes the effect in time.

The Importance of Causation in Business Decisions

Consider a scenario where a sales promotion aligns with a spike in profits. Asserting the promotional campaign as the cause of the profit increase isn't merely logical—it's good business. However, what happens when an unexpected downturn happens at the same time as a market shift? Proving causation becomes much more difficult, and underscores the need for a reliable analytical tool to cut through the complexity.


Say Hello to the Difference-In-Differences Analysis

Difference-In-Differences (DID) analysis is a statistical methodology used in econometrics to estimate the treatment effect of a given intervention, policy, or event under observational data (fancy way of saying it proves causation).

It compares the change in results across different groups at distinct periods in time.

Methodology in a Nutshell

Begin with two groups, one that receives a treatment (the 'treatment' group) and one that does not (the 'control' group). Collect data on both groups before and after the treatment. The DID analysis captures the difference in the average outcome of the treatment and control groups, pre-and-post intervention, and computes the difference between these differences.

Steps to Conduct the Analysis

1. Define Treatment and Control Groups

What group underwent the change? That's your treatment group.

What group is not going through the change? That's your control group.

2. Pre- and Post-Treatment Period Analysis

Gather data for both groups before and after the treatment. This establishes a baseline for each group and helps to isolate the effect of the intervention.

It's critical in this step to define which metrics you expected to change (and those you didn't). This is completely dependent on what business decisions were made, but a quick conversation with the business leader should help you understand.

3. Interpret Results

Look for significant changes in the treatment group that cannot be attributed to random chance or other confounding variables.

Ideally, you'll see the treatment and control groups' results move in different directions or magnitudes following the change. This is a clear sign that you observed an impact.


Interpreting Results

By examining the differences in outcomes over time between the treatment and control groups, you can identify whether a change is due to the intervention or to other factors.

Identifying Causation Through Results

When the results of a DID analysis show a clear and significant difference in the treatment group compared to the control group, it's a strong indication of a causal relationship. This difference must be attributable to the intervention, as the DID method controls for other variables that could affect the outcome.

Addressing Common Pitfalls

One common mistake is the failure to choose a suitable control group. It must mirror the treatment group in all aspects except the treatment itself (or as close as possible). Another pitfall is the assumption that no other events or interventions influenced the results—a complicated task in dynamic business environments.


Application in Finance and Business

The real-world implications of DID are far-reaching, particularly in finance and business. From analyzing the impact of new product launches to evaluating the efficacy of training programs, DID analysis offers a systematic means of establishing causation.

Real-World Examples in Financial Decision-Making

Consider a company that introduces an innovative billing system. By using DID analysis, they determine that customer retention increased 3% in the months following the introduction, exclusively for clients under the new system. The control group of customers who still leveraged the old system only increased their retention 1%. This means the new billing system caused a 2ppt increase in customer retention.

This insight into the effect of the billing system on customer behavior helps to quantify the return on investment for the innovation.

Leveraging DID in Market Expansion Strategies

Another practical application can be seen in evaluating the impact of market expansion strategies. Imagine a retail brand that decides to expand its presence by opening new stores in a previously untapped region. Utilizing the DID approach, the brand compares its sales growth in the new market area to a similar, static market where no new stores were opened. If, for instance, sales in the new market region increased by 10% while the control region experienced a mere 2% growth, the DID analysis posits that the market expansion strategy caused an 8ppt lift in sales growth.



Difference-In-Differences analysis extends a bridge from correlation to causation in the realm of finance and business. Mastering this technique is a great addition to your analytics toolkit, enabling a sharper and more insightful view of why certain business outcomes occur.

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Brett Hampson, Founder of Forecasting Performance