Building: Next Level FP&A

I'm stoked

Last week I put out a waitlist for a course I’m thinking about building.

Based on your overwhelming positive response and the fact that I already wanted to build it, I only have one choice…

Current title: Next Level FP&A

I get a lot of questions that all essentially ask:
How can I grow my FP&A career to the next level?

Easy question to ask, difficult to answer.

It’s loaded with nuance, but there’s a clear pattern we can follow that applies to 95% of people and situations.

Based on that pattern, I’m going to break the course down into 2 main sections. Here’s what it’ll look like:

0. What it won’t include

More important than what’s included, here’s what’s not:

  • Excel tips

  • PowerPoint skills

  • Basic P&L management

  • ‘How to build a financial model’

I’m going to assume you know all of that. And that you are crushing it. You’re running circles around your peers.

But you also know that getting to the next level of FP&A requires a different set of skills.

Which is the whole problem. You’re great at being the analyst or you’ve gotten yourself to the manager level, but the next part of your career will look a lot different.

1. FP&A best practices

It’s one thing to build a report, do the analysis, forecast the financials, and consult with business partners.

It’s a completely different thing designing the system that produces the perfect mix of reporting, analysis, forecasting, and consulting for your situation.

That’s where leaders are made.

And I call that The FP&A Operating System.

It’s much less about your technical ability to do the job. It focuses on which tool and technique you should use in each situation to drive a specific outcome.

The outcome we’re chasing is:

  • Making a bigger impact with your work

  • Reaching your full potential in FP&A

  • Climbing the FP&A career ladder

  • Making more money

But without this next part, the FP&A best practices will only get you so far…

2. Develop yourself

What got you here won’t get you there.

And working more hours on the same old stuff is a recipe for burnout.

What you really want is to create a healthy and high-performing team, drive transformation in the finance team and business, become proactive, and solve leadership problems with ease.

Everything you touch should get better. That’s how you build a reputation as a world-class FP&A leader.

You want to become the go-to FP&A leader.

But that takes a different set of skills:

  • Political savvy & Influence

  • Strategic relationships

  • Communication

  • Prioritization

  • Storytelling

  • Leadership

  • Vision

The problem? Only great mentors and leaders teach these skills effectively. And very few people have great mentors they can turn to today.

Even worse? These are best learned through experiences and feedback.

Join the waitlist

As I get closer to launching the course, I’ll be letting in a small number of people to test and give me feedback.

I’m stoked because this will be my flagship course that teaches everything I know.

In exchange for joining the waitlist, you’ll be a VIP in my eyes (worth every penny) and get early discounted access.

Whenever you are ready, here’s how I can help you:

  1. Join the waitlist for my online course teaching you to grow your FP&A career without working more hours or job hopping.

  2. Looking to sponsor this newsletter? Hit reply to this email and let me know!

Brett Hampson, Founder of Forecasting Performance